Saturday, January 2, 2016

Bukit Kutu

Bukit Kutu was located at Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor. Sejam jugakla nak gerak dari Shah Alam. It took 3 hours to arrive at the peak. During that time jalan dia slippery nak mati. Hujan sekejap datang sekejap tak. Janganla pakai kasut yang takde grab yang banyak. Pakai yang betul2 masuk untuk hutan. Ada yang pakai kasut getah pun asik tergelincir. So, lesson untuk masuk hutan pakai jela kasut memang untuk trekking dalam hutan. Bring over your raincoat (alaaa yang murah dekat 7e or DIY ada..poncho berat) kalau tanak basah. Apa orang kata sediakan payung sebelum hujan. Day pack je pun tak berat beg. Disebabkan jalan licin tula nak turun ambik masa yang lama.

Bamboo in the woods. 

Looked mysterious isn't it? hehe.. Ini kena panjat sikit akar pokok ni.

There's a lot of bamboo trees along the way.

This sign shows about half an hour to arrive at the base camp. I guess so..

Assassin. Huuu..

This is the base camp. You can place your tents if you wanna sleep here or else just buat day pack je.

Ada la dia sediakan tangga untuk tengok awesome view kat atas tu. Sumpah tak tipu!

The feeling was awesome here at the peak! Gayat oi!

Tengok cantik kan boleh nampak view ni?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Journey to The North

Here comes the sun. So beautiful here at Lumut, Perak.

Coming to the sea. Let the sea set you free. wehoo..

Look who's fishing?

Pantai Merdeka. Sampah merata. Takde sivik. Help keep this area clean please people.

The only person you should try to be a better than is the person you were yesterday.

Thankfully their place to stay in Pantai Merdeka area was cleaned. Here in Resort Pantai Merdeka.

Waiting for cousin's akad nikah selesai while capturing the kids moment. What a mesmerizing view here at Tanjung Dawai, Kedah.